Hello everyone! I started high school today...it was pretty interesting. I wore a-less-than-unique-outfit which included faded out skinny jeans, black converse, a vintage tee, and a feather necklace(which, by the way, snapped in half during Algebra 1, i had to put it away. And I STILL cant fix it!!!! Agh Forever 21 can have very cheap quality!). I was appalled to see most people wearing trashy boot cut jeans from Kohl's and Hollister tee's (gag me with a spork before i gag myself, please? haha). That seriously is my PET-PEEVE!!!! I mean, PEOPLE, GET A PERSONAL STYLE! READ A VOGUE FOR GOD SAKES!!! Ok, now that im done rambling about my irking towards mainstream prep stores....How do yo feel about people wearing clothes from Hollister/abercrombie/ae/aero? Yah, they have good jeans, but really, why label yourself with a shirt that says ABERCROMBIE written all over it? We aren't Cambell's Soup for crying out loud hahahaha.
For my electives, I got Visual Art(which seems so cool, and so does the art teacher). Our first assignment is to create a bug model out of scraps around the house, the catch is to fit the bug/insect into a baby food jar. Blagh, easy assignment. :p And by the way, I wont be able to post any pics of my outfits cuz the harddrive is messed up, so It wont be for a week or two :(
see yah!
wow, you guys started school already?! sucks! i dont even start school till sept, i'm trying to earn money to go BTS shopping first.
sorry about your necklace too :'(
Even in Holland, well atleast at my school people wear Abercrombie. I don't know why, but I really hate it. link exchange?
woahh, i love that outfit in the picture. & i agree about abercrombie an dholister and such.
I think I have those same sunnies, very risky business. And the floral dress was hand made by my aunt probably ten to twenty years ago.
i like what you said about campell's and labels. abercrombie is slowly draining the world of creativity and self thought. hollister is right behind it, backing it up. but that's just what I think. :)
you started school?? i don't start till the 4 of sept
Abercrombie is an American label right?? Cus we don't have it in England, and for the people who do wear it here, I think it's seen as being quite special and exclusive, but does everyone wear it in your country??? Hmmm it's obviously not so great then!!! :D
Congrats on starting high school! Hope you have a good time, but don't take it all so seriously... lol. Yeah, I really don't understand why all the kids wear Abercrombie/ Hollister/ etc.
BTW, would you like to link up with my blog?
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